Experience a stay in Howard Johnson Hotel, which claims to have many lavish resources and equally offers quality services in terms of facilities and amenities. Apart from that, Howard Johnson Hotels is in a position that facilitate jump-up access the major attractions of the Burlington city. Come on and plan a visit to the city, while we take the onus of putting in the Howard Johnson Hotel.
The Howard Johnson Hotel & Suites offers something for everyone. Our hotel has an indoor pool, Jacuzzi, saunas, & a fitness center. We are located just south of downtown Burlington near Lake Champlain, the college campuses & the city center. Our restaurant, Lakeview House, is open Monday-Saturday for Lunch and Dinner. We offer 24 hour coffee in our spacious lobby. For our travelers we have a complimentary Airport shuttle that runs from 7:00am-11:00pm and we have complimentary wireless internet in out lobby and rooms. We offer the unbeatable service by offering you the discount rate of the hotel. All you need to do with is registering in our site stayresusa.com.