Located on the way to nice Cape Cod, and is surrounded by pleasant bay and the mind-boggling Atlantic Ocean. The hotels give a wonderful view both in night and day time. Being in the hotel, you can enjoy the fantastic scenery of the bay and ocean. The Wayside Inn Restaurant is where you can indulge in a sumptuous breakfast, restorative lunch, fine evening dining, and a relaxing Sunday brunch. Settle into a booth or table in the cozy Fireside Room, stop at the mahogany bar in the Pub, or choose a table in the Mural Room where skylights illuminate a beautiful hand-painted panoramic mural of Chatham Village. Chatham hotel comes up with many ttarctions while offering exemplary amenities and services.
Just be in the hotel and imbibe the greenery and pleasure of the Atlkantic ocean. To be there in the Chatham wayside Inn, simply register in our site stayresusa.com. we will handle your with utmost care and dedication. We would take in to consideration all your needs and budget constarinst.. Come on and fulfill your dream of atsying in the Chatham wayside Inn. Chatham restaurant offers a sumptouous breakfast, lunch and dinner. It would really turn out to be an ever evocative trip for you.