Deerfield inn is situated around two hours distance from Logan airport while 50 minutes from Bradley International (BDL) in Hartford. Deerfield inn is situated around two hours distance from Logan airport while 50 minutes from Bradley International (BDL) in Hartford. Being in the hotel you can enjoy and go for things like antique stores, arts and crafts shops, outlet stores, gift shopping, and whitewater rafting. Besides, one can enjoy nearby boating, fly fishing, skiing and golfing, and summertime swimming in the gentle river.
Situated on the Mohawk Trail in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts, this little part of Franklin County known as the Happy Valley is a paradise on earth with its bountiful produce, tranquil farmland beauty, and friendly folk. The Deerfield Inn uses the finest and freshest naturally-raised produce in its restaurant and is a long-time supporter of our local CISA (Communities Involved in Sustaining Agriculture). With many modern and antique paint works, the rooms look beautiful read perfect for relaxing socialize with friends or things you whim to go for. The restaurant of the hotel gives you plenty of choices regarding your breakfast, lunch and supper. Enjoy and chill being in the hotel.