Kennebunkport has plenty of hotels and resorts with all the looked for facilities and services. Hotels in Kennebunkport Maine give you all the lavish comforts and conveniences, while being in Kennebunkport you can enjoy yourself with all the major attractions and hot spots of the city. The array of hotels like Luxury hotels Kennebunkport Maine being located in easily-reachable locales can simply make you imbibe the grandeur of both the attractions and other eye-catching areas of the city. The town is a summer resort, especially for authors, artists, and actors. It is also the vacation home of former President George H.W. Bush, dubbed the "summer White House" because of the frequent meetings there between Bush and his political advisers and other world leaders. Historically a fishing village, in recent decades the town has become a popular seaside tourist destination with a small district of souvenir shops, art galleries, seafood restaurants.
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