South Beach Marriot offers all the amenities and lavish facilities. Some of the in-room amenities available at Marriott Miami Hotel South Beach are satellite television, minibar and hairdryer. Room Service is also provided for the benefit of hotel guests. Deco Blue Restaurant and Bar at Marriott Miami Hotel South Beach is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The restaurant comes up with variety of foods and cuisines. Guest rooms of Marriott Miami Hotel South Beach are nicely designed and thoughtfully appointed with modern comforts. Hotel guests are provided with modern conveniences. Come and unleash the range of lively and tasty foods and other amenities.
Hotel guests can sample delicious cuisines at local restaurants such as Big Pink, China Grill, Joe's Stone Crabs and Wollensky's located close to Marriott Miami Hotel South Beach. Marriott Miami Hotel South Beach features 3 meeting rooms with 2600 square feet of meeting space at for the benefit of business travelers. State-of-the-art equipment is also provided by the hotel to ensure a successful event. Register in our site and we will whisk you to the hotel. We ensure all sorts of amenities while making you avail the state of the art facilities.