provides complete information on Kingsmill Resort Hotel Virginia and also on others ranging from comfortable cheap hotels to luxurious five star hotels in USA. Here you can get complete information on services and facilities offered by the Virginia Kingsmill Resort Hotel, the best deal on discount USA hotels, online hotel reservations service, and an easy to use hotel booking facility. Please check online availability and special discount on of Kingsmill Resort Hotels. The Kingsmill Resort & Spa locates on the banks of James River in Williamsburg. It expands in a big area of 2900 acres. Kingsmill Resort Hotel Virginia came into being in 1617 and emerged out as a fabulous resort after renovation. All it guestrooms possess world class amenities. Virginia Kingsmill Resort Hotel features a massive 425 elegant rooms. Beautifully maintained gardens and other surrounding natural assets like teak mahogany tree and elegant Brazilian Cherry hardwood instill the pleasure in you as you step into the hotel. Kingsmill Resort Hotels is also equipped with Tennis courts and the fairways. Featuring a huge number of rooms, it offers range of options to the guests. One to three bedrooms suite possess all sort of home amenities. It is a splendid place to stay at. Dining options are fabulous. Eagle and Regattas' Café & Market serve as the best spots for diners.