Following are the information about public holidays USA, which gives a detailed account of public holidays in USA.
New Year's Day 1-Jan
Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday of January
Lincoln's Birthday 12-Feb
Presidents' Day 19-Feb
Washington's Birthday Most States: 3rd Monday in February, Some states: 22-Feb
Easter Sunday Variable
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Saint-Jean Baptiste Day 24-Jun
Discovery Day 25-Jun
Discovery Day 20-Aug
Labour Day 1st Monday in September
Columbus Day Most US states: 2nd Monday in October Some US states 12-Oct
Veteran's Day 11-Nov
Remembrance Day 11-Nov
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Christmas Day 25-Dec
Good Friday and Easter Monday are not public holidays in the USA.
Boxing Day (26-Dec) is not a public holiday in the USA.